Friday, March 1, 2013

Something Special Newsletter: MARCH

March 4 – 8: I Love To Read Week (Dr Seuss birthday = March 2)
March 21: Kindergarten Music Program             
March 25 - March 29: Circus  

ART:  Ms Gilpin
March is “Art In Schools Month”.  We have been asked to display art at the Jessamine County Central Office.  Our WEAVING project will represent the JELV team artwork.  Every Kindergarten student participated and added to this weaving and it will represent the wonderful art that your students make every week in Art class!  Here at the Village we will also be displaying art for our Music Program in the hallways!  Some of the students art will be used in the Music Program’s slide show.  Also, please make sure to check out the front hallway alongside the cafeteria where we have a running account of what we are learning in Art this year. Thanks for letting me enlighten your child into the world of ART!! 

GYM:  Ms Rhoads
We are going to start out the month with our “I love to read” unit.  We will be having fun with a variety of stories by Dr. Seuss.  While our music classes are getting ready for their big performances, we will be learning some fun new games and activities that keep our body strong.  We will finish up the month with jump roping and leaping.  This will get us ready for an amazing performance by Wilmore Elementary Jump Rope team.  The kiddos will get a chance to see the team perform and some will get to practice with them as well.  It is such a great experience for all the kids.

MUSIC:  Ms Jespersen
We are almost halfway done learning all our concert music.  The students are really enjoying the songs.  Many of the have told me that they practice at home and give mini concerts for parents and friends.  This is fantastic! I hope you encourage your little musician to share their songs with you whenever possible.  Music is a fantastic gift, but it is even better when shared with family and friends.  Speaking of sharing music, we are all so excited for our performance on March 21st and I’m sure you are too!  Look for letters with details coming soon!

LIBRARY: Ms Stevens, Ms Kulaga (long term sub) & Ms Keely
We will begin the month by celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday! We will be reading his books Horton Hatches the Egg and The Bippolo Seed. Next, we will be completing a special unit on the children's literature of France. Selections for this unit will include Madeline and Meet Babar and His Family. As part of this unit, students will be learning about French culture and Parisian monuments and how to say some common French words.

GUIDANCE:  Ms Newsome & Ms Dodgen
In Guidance, during the month of March, we will be learning about handling social conflict situations and continuing our discussion on personal safety. One of the social conflict situations we will explore will be name-calling. In this lesson children will learn assertive statements (“I don’t like that-please stop,” and “No teasing”) and ignoring as responses to unwanted teasing.
In our guidance lessons on personal safety, we will talk about what your child should do if he/she gets lost.  Children will learn to stay safe when lost by knowing who to ask for help and knowing their personal information. You can reinforce this lesson at home by:

1.)  Making sure your child knows his/her first and last name
2.)  Making sure your child knows his/her address
3.)  Making sure your child knows your phone number
We will also spend time learning the “Always Ask First Rule.”  This safety rule is important; children always need ask their parents or the person in charge before going somewhere with someone (i.e. getting into a car with someone) or accepting a gift from someone. While most young children know that they should not accept gifts from strangers, they may be swayed if the gift is something they really want.  We will reinforce the message that safety rules need to be followed no matter how tempting it is to break them!

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