Monday, February 25, 2013

Guidance celebrates Dr. Seuss!

This week in Guidance, we will be reinforcing recent concepts related to problem solving and fairness. We will read the story of, “The Zax," work through the problem solving steps, and discuss questions such as these:
  1. Who is having the problem?
  2. What is the problem?
  3. Brainstorm ideas to solve the problem (highlight what they can do without a grown-up).
  4. What might happen if…..? (evaluate consequences of particular solutions)
  5. Find an idea that is safe, fair and will work to solve the problem.
  6. If the idea does not work, what can they do next? (try another solution)
  7. Recognize that if they can’t think of a way to solve the problem, they may be stuck with that problem until they can come up with an effective solution.
 Children will have the opportunity to act out the story of the Zax and come up with their own solutions!

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