Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Monthly Newsletter


Nov 5-16: Nutrition (gym)          
Nov 12-21: Thanksgiving      
Nov 21-23: THANKSGIVING BREAK         
Nov 26-30: Native American

ART:  Ms Gilpin
For November, we are getting started on our Color Unit…. my favorite time of the year!  We will start with the Primary Colors (red, yellow, blue) as we learn about texture and do primary colored leaf rubbings.   Then we move into the Secondary Colors (orange, green, purple) as we mix primary colored shaving cream to make the secondary colors – way FUN!  Next comes the Warm and Cool Colors as we make a warm sun and cool earth.  For the Native American collaborative unit we will learn about the Color Spectrum when we listen to, “How the Rainbow Was Made” story which is retold, edited and illustrated by Ms Gilpin ;)  Lots of fun learning is expected in Art this month!
PS –  I still need shaving cream … if you can donate a can of shaving cream (not gel) to the Art Room that would be WONDERFUL!!!
As always, continue to make Art and CREATE at home whenever possible!

GYM:  Ms Rhoads
For the month of November we are going to be focusing on the topic of nutrition.  We will spend two weeks learning about the Food Guide Pyramid and My Plate.  We will be talking about the importance of making healthy food choices and how eating healthy affects the body.  We will learn about the different food groups and what foods are in each group.  We will also focus on how much we need from each food group.  Mealtime is a great time to go over this with your kids.  Ask them about what they are eating and work together to figure out the food group.  A great resource is  We will end out the month with one of my favorites; our Native American Unit.  We will be learning about fishing in the Great Lakes, gathering corn, building tee-pees and fire circles, as well as gathering nuts and berries from the forest. 

MUSIC:  Ms Jespersen
We have finished learning all of our music basics like steady beat, fast and slow, high and low, and loud and soft.  November is our time to explore the music of different cultures and times.  We will be learning about the music of Africa, Native Americans, Colonial times and more.  Instruments we have never seen or heard before will start showing up around the music room and we will replace our Western playlists with all sorts of interesting new sounds.   It is great to watch as the students learn different musical “languages” and learn to enjoy sounds that may be very different and strange to them at first.

LIBRARY: Ms Stevens, Ms Kulaga (long term sub) & Ms Keely
Happy autumn from the JELV library! This month, we will be reading several fall selections, including There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves, Earl the Squirrel, and Turkey Trouble. Students will also be visiting a new set of centers this month, including the Literacy Center, the Pumpkin Center, the Flannel/Marker Board Center, and the Listening Center (where they will read along with Curious George's First Day of School). Students will also continue to check out a book each week to read in their classrooms.

GUIDANCE:  Ms Newsome & Ms Dodgen
Thank you so much for your contributions to the Guidance Department! Your generosity is certainly appreciated. We also would like to welcome Jessica Dodgen, a second Guidance Counselor here at the Village. We are very excited to have Jessica join our team!!
Recently, in Kindergarten Guidance lessons we have been talking about feelings and how to identify what we are feeling as well as what others are feeling. We have mainly discussed the following feelings: happy, sad, mad/angry, surprised, and scared. Your child may even remember the Spanish words for some of these feelings! Additionally, we have talked about what we can do to calm down when we have strong feelings. Prompt your child to describe how they can calm their body by taking deep breaths, doing arm squeezies, making poke-a-dots on their hands, walking away, or other creative ways! 

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