Friday, May 17, 2013

MAE Day: MAy 31

DATE: May 31, 2013

Dear Parents –

MAE Day is the last day of school
Friday, May 31st  – rain OR shine

MAE” stands for:

This is a day that we celebrate the Arts by creating art, making music, and moving our bodies.  The whole day is devoted to activities centered around the Arts as the children attend stations for Music, Art, and Physical Education based projects. 

This year’s theme is “Baseball”

Some of the stations and activities will be held outside.  Therefore we ask that you dress your child in comfortable clothes appropriate for the weather:
tennis shoes – NO sandals or flip-flops! 

Please apply sunscreen PRIOR to coming to school –

Let’s have FUN!

Ms Jespersen - Ms Gilpin - Ms Rhoads

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