Monday, December 3, 2012

Monthly Newsletter: DECEMBER

Dec 3-7: Holidays          Dec 20-Jan 1: CHRISTMAS BREAK

ART:  Ms Gilpin
For December in Art, we will continue our color unit and learn about the neutral colors: black, white, gray (and sometimes brown).  We will create a neutral colored snowflake!  I will also be working on assessing the kiddos using our Classroom Performance System.  The kiddos know this system as the “clickers”.  They have learned a lot about the Elements of Art: line, shape, form, colors!
Hope everyone has a peaceful and relaxing Holiday Break!
PS –  I still need shaving cream … if you can donate a can of shaving cream (not gel)
to the Art Room that would be WONDERFUL!!!

GYM:  Ms Rhoads
This month we will be working on basic fundamental skills. We will be practicing dribbling, kicking, catching, and throwing.  We will also have fun with jumbo stackers as we focus on teamwork and sportsmanship.  We will end out our month with a unit based on the book “If You Take a Mouse to the Movies”.  We will be stringing popcorn and building forts!  I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday. 

MUSIC:  Ms Jespersen
We have finished learning all of our music basics like steady beat, fast and slow, high and low, and loud and soft.  November is our time to explore the music of different cultures and times.  We will be learning about the music of Africa, Native Americans, Colonial times and more.  Instruments we have never seen or heard before will start showing up around the music room and we will replace our Western playlists with all sorts of interesting new sounds.   It is great to watch as the students learn different musical “languages” and learn to enjoy sounds that may be very different and strange to them at first.

LIBRARY: Ms Stevens, Ms Kulaga (long term sub) & Ms Keely
Season’s Greetings from the JELV Library! As you make plans for activities to do with your child during this festive season, consider sharing with your child some of the many wonderful holiday and winter children’s books that are available. Just like baking sugar cookies, hanging lights, and drinking hot chocolate, sharing a treasured holiday story can create warm memories that will last a lifetime. It will also show your child how much fun books are and will get him or her excited to read throughout the New Year.

GUIDANCE:  Ms Newsome & Ms Dodgen
In Guidance, during the month of December, we will be covering three new topics:  managing anger and disappointment, handling being knocked down, and solving problems. Young students have strong feelings about what they want and may experience keen disappointment when they don’t get it. When disappointment is accompanied by withdrawn or angry behaviors, students may act in ways that are harmful to themselves or others. In guidance, we will continue practicing the “Calming Down Steps,” so students can calm down enough to think through situations.  Problem solving is a complicated cognitive process.  Skilled problem-solvers get along better with peers and have fewer conflicts and problems with aggression. Students will learn the basic steps of problem solving (calm down, use words, and think of several possible solutions).  For example, if you get knocked down it’s important to calm down before you do anything else.  Then, ask for more information (do not assume the action was on purpose).
You can help your child practice the “Calming Down Steps” at home! When your child is having a big feeling, coach them to- 1.) put their hands on their belly and say “stop.” 2.) name the feeling, “I feel _____. 3.) Take three deep belly breaths. 

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