Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wrapping up 2012 in Guidance

As we near the end of 2012, we are reviewing feelings and coping skills. We have explored how to recognize the physical signs of anger and disappointment, and how to manage those big feelings. We continue to practice the "Calming Down Steps" each lesson. We have also talked about how to handle getting knocked down. When students assume that others behave toward them with hostile motives,they are more likely to retaliate with aggression. In Guidance, we have talked about the difference between accidents and "on purpose." Children learned that when they get bumped or knocked down, the FIRST thing they need to do is take a deep breath and calm down. THEN they practiced asking the person who knocked them down, "What happened? Was it an accident?" Your students have learned that it is important to find out what happened, because sometimes things happen by accident. You can reinforce this at home by prompting your child to first calm down, and then ask what happened BEFORE they get angry.

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